Sunday, December 06, 2009

A wild time of it this Fall . . . three hours in the Tehran airport . . . with visa in hand, was not allowed into the country. This was more than one month ago and I am still reeling from the disappointment and shock of this super-humiliation and extremely sad turn of events.

The good that came of it is that my dear musician friend came from Tehran and we worked on music projects which are in the process of crystallizing. We presented a wonderful concert in Istanbul and now in London, I am delighted with another wonderful concert this past Friday with the great wind-instrument player Khosrow Soltani who came from Austria for the event.
In the middle now of a two-day workshop I am teaching for Frame Drums . . . I am afraid I may have crossed wires in my students' brains . . . so much information I am spewing out!

Also had a lovely interview with a lovely person here in London, please see:

. . . and my schedule, with one more weekend to go in Athens before returning to the US:

thanks for reading this, wishing all the best to all,